Monday, October 3, 2011

Are Your Phone Records Really Private?

If you knew that someone was tracking where you are, who you talk to, and what you talk about, would you be willing to walk around with a cell phone with you at all times? Phone companies such as AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint keep a record of all the above information for at least a year if not more. They are able to track you using the cell towers to find your location, keep track of who you call and who calls you, the pictures you send and recieve, and the text messeges as well as their contents are also stored for future references. Although these companies claim that the information is only released with a warrant and sufficient evidence, they are still out there. When in the wrong hands this information can be used in a negative way. The government and top companies have greatly increased the different ways to track people by the way of technology.We all have the right to privacy, but does the contract legally take this right away from us? Is it okay for the government to have this information at their disposal? 
Phone Privacy

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